Weekend Shenanigans

Rise & Grind: 15 plank butt-ups, 40 Mt. Climbers, 10/leg back lunges, 50 Jumping jacks, 12 push-ups. Repeat 5x

The weekend has arrived! We started our weekend off a day early and went to Amarillo yesterday for some shopping. Today i’ve got some house cleaning to do (ha, you would think a stay at home mom would have all week to do that!), a good workout, a baby shower, a birthday, & then a fire at our house with some of our friends. Whew! Busy day for a Saturday!

I had a rest day yesterday and enjoyed the heck out of it! I didn’t do one single push-up or squat or jumping jack. I didn’t let myself feel guilty for not working out (shopping is a workout. Right?!). I feel great this morning and I am motivated to hit it up again today. I try to get 5-6 days a week in of toning sets and running. For my body, this works! For others, you may need more or less workout time. Just always remember to give yourself that day break to refresh your muscles, refresh your mind, & refresh your motivation.

Enjoy your weekend everyone! Do something crazy, eat something new, go on an adventure, or simply enjoy a beer!

I am strong. I am capable. I am powerful. I am beautiful.


Anne Nicole

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