
That moment when you walk into the gym see all the ‘fit’ people and think maybe you don’t belong here. You begin to wonder if you can even pick up a dumbbell and who is going to be watching you try. Are they going to make fun of me if I don’t lift the right…

Fitness Update at 37 Weeks Pregnant!

So here it is! I will be 37 weeks pregnant on Friday! I am so ready to meet our little one I can hardly stand it. The nursery is ready, the hospital bag is packed, and the baby clothes are all cleaned. My husband is ready and so is our toddler (or at least she…

Start Now

As summer begins to wind down, it is easy to slip into a lazier routine for a lot of people. Fall is in the air, baking is a go to activity, the gym is almost empty this time of year, and the ‘Jan. 1st I will begin again’ is too close for comfort. Keep going….

I am Powerful

I woke up this morning with a goal of being motivated. A goal of crushing this day. Running the day instead of it running me. I was ready to really get after myself. By 5:45 AM I was awake with a  screaming baby, next came the dog messing on the floor, and then my husband…

A little Fitness Update

It has been awhile since I have talked to you all about fitness. I feel like I started this blog to talk about fitness and it has gone in the direction of nutrition, mom life, farm life, and adventuring! Which, by the way, I am totally ok with since that is my life. But I…

Set the Tone Today

Having a powerful, useful, hardworking Monday can help set the tone for the rest of the week. Be that girl who shines today and not the one in her Monday outfit complaining about the week ahead. Think of all you can accomplish this week, all you can change, all you can do to get closer…

Having a Healthy & Motivational Home

Originally posted on Nutrient Dense Cowgirl:
Rise & Grind: 10 KB rows/side, 15/side side plank crunches, 10 KB tricep extensions, 10 Burpees (x4) Follow with this: 15/side russian twist, 10 Laying leg lifts, 20/side plank dips,  15 reverse crunches, 35 Jumping jacks (x3). Have you ever came home and just instantly wanted to sit down…

Feed Your Soul

Feed your soul and feed it well. I am strong. I am capable. I am beautiful. I am powerful. Xoxo, Anne Nicole

My Dirty Laundry

I am really good at talking about what I am good at. My last post, Let Me Intimidate You, focused on child nutrition. Something I am very passionate about. I can go on for hours talking about kids’ nutrition. It is easy for me. I am good at nutrition and it is a good habit….

Let Me Intimidate You

I take a lot of crap over feeding my child good food. I get laughed at, questioned (constantly), and always told I am depriving my child. Depriving her of treats, sweets, cereals, etc. I mean come one, she is just a kid, let her have some fun! Right? Can we please just stop this already!…

On staying fit and being pregnant

As soon as people realize you are pregnant, the questions begin to fly. There is no way around the oncoming inquires from family, friends, and strangers! “What is the gender?”, ‘Due Date?’, ‘are you working out?’, ‘are you sick?’, and on and on and on! So here is the low down on my pregnancy so…

Welp, I gained 3 pounds.

Well, I have to say, my May goals are getting crushed. My motivation has been exceptional. I have been getting out for walks on the road, great home workouts and client workouts, and I have been expanding my knowledge through reading. Except for the fact that I have gained almost 3 pounds, my cravings are…