This year is one for the books.

It’s been a day or two (or twenty) since I have had to chance to write! I began school to become a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and it seems that every spare minute I have is going to reading, watching class, or doing assignments. My nose has been stuffed in books for a month and there…

Do all these ‘Fit Moms’ have fit kids too?

I see an awful lot of ‘fit moms’ in my line of work. Myself being one of them.  I follow quite a few ‘fit moms’ on Instagram and here on WordPress. I see lots of pictures of moms working out, eating right, and doing their best to stay healthy. I am just curious, does this…

There Is No Such Thing As Ready

“It’s a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you’re ready. I have this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do anything. There is almost no such thing as ready. There is only now. Generally speaking, now is as good a time as any.” Now is the only time…


That moment when you walk into the gym see all the ‘fit’ people and think maybe you don’t belong here. You begin to wonder if you can even pick up a dumbbell and who is going to be watching you try. Are they going to make fun of me if I don’t lift the right…

Straddling the Edge of a Star

I’m Alive! I am still here, back from a great vacation in the mountains. The past 2 weeks have been a whirlwind! I feel like it has only been 2 days! We had Christmas in Oklahoma, then traveled to Wyoming the next day (driving 900 miles with a toddler and a newborn is an adventure…

Delicious, Healthy Cookies!

Like I promised, here is the recipes for my Dairy free, gluten free, sugar free, melt in your mouth, delicious cookies! These are toddler and husband approved and sure to be a staple in your home. You can change them up by adding different mix-ins and using different nut butters. 1 cup nut butter of…

Spot Fat Reduction, Is It Possible?

“Its a beautiful thing to have lungs that allow you to breathe air and legs that allow you to climb mountains, and it’s a shame that sometimes we don’t realize that that’s enough” The last 4 weeks have flown by! It is hard to imagine that my baby is almost a month old! Throughout this…

Are Good Vitamins Worth the Price?

I wrote this up this morning for my Winter Workout and nutrition Group. All about vitamins and how to chose a good one! Happy Friday, Ladies! I hope you are all gaining from this group! If there is anything that you are wanting to know that I have not address, just let me know! Today…

Carbs are so last season (or are they)?!

In a world where there is a new, latest, greatest diet plan around every corner it is hard to decipher what really works and what is just a scam. I have put together my opinion of a few ‘diets’ for you all. Whole 30: The whole 30 is designed to be a 30 day nutrition…

I need a really big bottle of wine.

Wow, I’m a hot mess. I had my second child. Turns out having two kids is like 10x the work and laundry and dirt and noise. To anyone who has a toddler and a newborn, I salute you! You deserve a big bottle of wine (or maybe something even stronger). I can honestly say that…

Healthy Fast Food

Here I am, 39 weeks pregnant, sitting in my husbands recliner at 6 am eating banana bread, scrolling Facebook, and putting the finishing touches on my birth plan (that I have finished 10x. and really can you ‘plan’ these things?!). Trying to begin my day with something productive but getting caught in this easy chair….

Fitness Update at 37 Weeks Pregnant!

So here it is! I will be 37 weeks pregnant on Friday! I am so ready to meet our little one I can hardly stand it. The nursery is ready, the hospital bag is packed, and the baby clothes are all cleaned. My husband is ready and so is our toddler (or at least she…