No Complain November

This month is famous for silly challenges. No shave November. No ‘insert food item here’ November. No man November. And so on. I have decided to do one of these challenges myself. I made it up and I am making it a thing. So here it is:


I am going to do my best to go through this month with an attitude of gratitude. I am going to let the little things slide. I am not going to complain. I am going to work through issues, find the positive, and move on!

This includes any complaints about body image, nutrition, fitness, daily life, self esteem, my hair, ANYTHING!

Anyone with me? It is like a detox for our minds.

We sometimes get so caught up in all the fuss of everyday life that we forget what really matters. Last night I was out doctoring cattle and all I could thing was that everything was so great. I was right where I needed to be. (And who could really complain with this view)

But I often find myself with a much less positive outlook. I find myself complaining about our town. Complaining about silly infractions in my day. Things that really don’t matter in the big scheme.

I am a pusher and I try to force things to happen. I try to make myself be where I WANT to be. But, in the meantime I am missing the point of being where I NEED to be.

So, no complaining! No, pushing! Just smooth sailing! You can all hold me accountable on my blog.

I am strong. I am capable. I am powerful. I am beautiful.


Anne Nicole

2 Comments Add yours

  1. jlstanding says:

    I’m with you on the no complaining! 🙂 Its gonna be a good month!

    Liked by 1 person

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